Thursday 21 March 2013

Spirit of adventure

Spirit of adventure

A spirit of adventure lurks in everyone,

Deep within our multi-complex souls.

They say that you’ll find it in the long run.

That’s the way this accomplishment rolls

Some find it when they hate their work,

Or when they’ve lost their way in life.

Many feel that they can sense it lurk,

Thou’ it could cause the utmost strife.

You’ll find it in the weirdest places,

In the street or in the grand avenue.

In the search for your lost suit cases.

The jungle, the beach or in a zoo.

It takes you to hazardous zones,

At times to a remote expanse.

To contend the fiercest cyclones,

Take part in a game of chance.

Suspect there’s something amiss with mine,

The thought is enough to make me cry.

On scary issues, I toe the line.

A dare-devil act? Just hear me sigh.

The thought of spiders and crawly bugs,

Creates an itch and I cringe in dread.

Of lions, tigers and violent thugs,

Not behind bars?  I’ve already fled.

I enjoy much my comfort and ease,

No single escapade would tempt me.

A treasure quest could never me please.

Sorry...but I’m really not gutsy.

Frightened to watch a horror movie,

Would rather sit and sigh with romance.

I’ve never really been that groovy,

So don’t try to make me lose my stance.

Spirit of adventure?  I have none,

A faint-hearted soul?  Yes, I admit.

If it’s true the claim, we’ve all got one,

My mettle has most definitely quit.

©June Sciortino

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