For Dreamy Georgia
Waste no time with the whimsical…
expectations of sweet romance.Mock anticipations of true love,
made-up prince in shining armour,
blinkers you with dust crammed reveries
Visit reflections…a jonquil moon…
floating across a midnight lake,with a twinkling of gemstone stars.
Flawless images…scented allure…
circlets of petals, styled perfection,
untarnished visions for alert eyes
Liberate honeyed thoughts galore,
relish your world, heaven on earth.Don’t miss life’s ember to celebrate.
Waste not your time in the maybe’s.
When it’s time for a love to emerge,
recognize the attraction within…
sincere feelings aren’t gossamer thin
unlike your fanciful dreams and…
you won’t have shattered your hopes.
©June Sciortino 05/07/13